
The problem is bigger than that. The FSU cases involved the Tallahassee PD but was handled in a similar manner because the football program is so big in the city.

Being a DA means you have to be above reproach in a lot of ways. While I am glad she got and is getting treatment for her addiction and illness, she should have resigned ages ago. Even “regular” attorneys go on leave when struggling with this stuff because of the effect it can have on their work advocating for their

The thing that jumped out at me, with little or no mention, is that while the hospitalization, addiction, and all-around erratic behavior was taking place:

Having to discuss mental health issues in a professional context is one of the more humiliating things to do in the American workplace. I had to do it today and even though the outcome was extremely favorable for me, I still want to curl up in a ball and hide forever. I can’t imagine having to deal with it on this

Yes but some of us can recognize how ridiculous and regressive Americans can be for their attitude about sex and nudity.

“Hey, that’s a good-ass line. I may borrow it for the next wife.”

French racists are using a law and cultural orientation in France to nefarious ends but that doesn’t mean the French State’s impulse to impose secular humanism in the public sphere, while retaining the primacy of religion in the private is not a viable option in a multi-cultural state. Please don’t interpret France

But you’r not covering up because of some moral ideal about being a woman are you?