
Will it randomly brick itself and require constant replacements that eventually lead to a full product refund?

I want nothing in my house that is going to track my drinking. Hence why I'm not yet married.

I'm really trying to understand what the point of this is, other than the fact that as a geek it would be fun to build. Seems it would get annoying pretty quickly. And maybe I just get too drunk, but I would definitely be unable to use this system by the end of my typical night of drinking. I've had nights where I

How is the U.S. government allowed to just spend endless amounts of money on whatever they please? At 15 trillion dollars they have more debt than any other country in the world.

Usually I find art installations like this to be bullshit, but this is rather stunning; I like it quite a bit.

New Corvette is hideous. The C6 Grand Sport is the best looking one in my opinion

When I was in college I got blackout drunk one night, and flipped my car off the road into a creek, and couldn't remember the alphabet when the cop asked me. For some reason he only gave me some bullshit fine for "failure to keep proper control of a vehicle" and that was it. Never have I been so lucky as that night.

...compared to all the phones that have gone to AT&T lately?

Nothing makes it to Verizon anymore

"The most royal pizza ever!"

This movie is horrible.

One lens should be completely opaque so when you're blackout and seeing double you just put on your drunk glasses and enjoy your return to normal, albeit depth-challenged vision.

How is this even possible? I take better pictures with my phone camera

Hard to believe they aren't real until you take the laws of physics into account?

"It's all in one. and we call it Uppleva"

Well I assume they'd roll the code into the metro interface, I don't think they'd scrap it and start over. Although this is Microsoft, so you can never assume anything, really...

First of all, Windows Phone isn't even 18 months old yet and it's already come a LONG way. WP8 is on the horizon, and like all Windows Phone updates I'm sure it will address these bugs you've mentioned. That being said, I've had WAY more trouble syncing my iPhone with iTunes than I've ever had syncing my Windows Phone

holy fucking shit that lamp at the bottom is hideous

My bad, just me being an idiot! For some reason I was thinking it was the 13th all today, so I thought you were saying that since it was Friday in North Korea it was kindof/sort of Friday the 13th for them. I did not realize that tomorrow is legitimately Friday the 13th.

Their Friday would still fall on the 14th