HBO’s Game of Thrones Spinoff Prequel Has Added More .....British Actor
HBO’s Game of Thrones Spinoff Prequel Has Added More .....British Actor
Not trying to be picky. There were 3 other skrulls that came to earth beside Talos.
Star Citizen unite!
If everything made of yarn, did they peel it off from a dead yarn?
What if aunt May death, reverse everything peter lost in “one more day”? Yeeaaa......hhh??
What if Dune, Glass and Dr Staple actually part of Kevin personality? Twisty o twister
Shouldn’t they put this on Punisher season two.... or we get that character show up on JJ. Wink wink
Shouldn’t it called Majapahit empire? Like the roman or khmer. Indonesia was a modern version. You didn’t called Roman empire as Italy in Civilization or Persian as part Iran part Iraq.
Awn of age aquariuuuuus....aquarius
Constantine could beat them before his cigarette expired
Read or heard anything about Justice League Dark?
The main problem with the sw prequel wasn’t about palpatine rise to emperor but the annoying anakin becoming darth vader.
Lalalay lalay lalay, lala lalay. Heeeiiii ieeieh.
When someone ask me the aerodynamics/flight capabilities of torn winged undead dragon, i ask them the scientific explanation of undead dragon first
Holywood executive should’ve take note. The “douchebag/tan” Dario did the right thing instead of all of those white exec.
Suit look great. Disappointed with the black color scheme. Should’ve used the light gold/yellow for the armor part.
Can someone explain the economic /budget of the first order/galactic empire? They lost two deathstar and a planet size starkiller base, shouldn’t they build medium size large quantity weaponry/vehicles to crush the resistance?
So if they ported the game to pc, it will be a normal game? I mean, use wasd for movement, shoot with mouse, jump by pressing space bar, right mouse button for secondary weapon, strike with middle button, matterjet with the r or f button.
Eager to applied until the words “training” and “salary”.