
“I truly would have put myself through anything.”

Oh, you did, Elizabeth. You did. You did everything in your power to give your guy a chance, and when all failed, you did everything in your power—and put yourself through hell—to make his passing as painless as possible. You are strong and incredible. Thank you for

fuck off

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

As much as it pains me to admit... No, my belief in equality does not extend to where I send my children to school.

I’ll support Brock Turner the Rapist for the Olympics if it means he contracts Zika, becomes sterile, and then dies when I stab him in the face with a red hot poker.

Sometimes the worst punishment is not prison. Don’t get me wrong, a six months sentence was far too kind, but I think it’s not the only punishment a person can endure, and right now his life is ruined. His family is ruined financially and they’re asking for money to cover their attorneys, he can’t do what he loves

Unrelated, but sort of related: does anyone else experience wildly un-Jezebel ads appearing below every article? This is the one that is appearing for me directly underneath the comments section right now. UGHGHHH

I don't understand. Why do some men embrace the stereotype that they have no control over their bodies? That they're just apes about to fuck anything that moves? Isn't that demeaning? Insulting? Why am I seeking logic with these people?

Hillary has a literal army of advisors telling her what to say, wear, etc. to make her seem somewhat relatable to the everyperson. (Hot sauce, really?) Trump on the other hand is psychotic, he can say one thing in the morning, contradict himself in the evening and wholeheartedly believe in what he says at the time he

A friend of mine was a very very young single mom, and one day, she calls me sobbing that the baby puked, and it was so bad, she puked on the baby.

I just hate that (white) feminists are screaming about how all women have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s a woman. I vote based on platforms besides vagina.

In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun

I echo your sentiments, however there will always be breeders and I’m guessing Bailey’s humans are not of the “backyard” variety if this bitch got a C-section at Auburn. Everyone should adopt, but there are such things as responsible breeders. It’s not all black and white. I have met some wonderfully responsible

I’m a man who has been blackout drunk many times. Even with serious “clouded judgement” moments there was never a time where I thought “I should have sex with this unconscious girl”. You either have morals or you don’t. He doesn’t.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but the previews look like the actor needs to be able to walk for at least a portion of the movie, before his accident. I think that has to have an impact on casting for the role. If he was in a wheelchair for the whole movie, then I see more of the debate.

note: I haven’t seen the movie and I am not differently abled.

Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

Fucking bullshit facebook. Get your shit together.