
Another good reason the U.S. should have stayed out of World War II.

Looks like someone isn't happy that the umpires aren't given him strikeouts. What a bitch.

Yeah, that's Elways job.

Even with replay the umpiring sucks? Big surprise.

Such a firm history of both bring true, but I have to think that the Browns being bumbling fucks being much more likely in this case.

Ever hear of Johnny Bench? He was better.

Except I never felt bad for the Cardinals. In the early 90’s I felt bad for the Patriots. Especially when they went 1-15 and the last game of the season was mostly Giants fans and everyone thought they were moving away. The whole organization was a disaster. Then along came Bob Kraft and Bill Parcels and that all

Ties and no playoffs. Why do they even do it?

Keystone Light? So they did the people they took it from a favor.

I like the story about the excessively flirty waitress. All those years of being single and not one single waitress did anything like that for me. Being ugly sucks sometimes.

Joe Maddon is a worthless fucking piece of shit. He can go fuck himself.

Only third time since 1985 that someone made a worse first round pick than the Pirates.

Outcome bias? Actually results matter. Thats the difference between winning a World Series or Super Bowl and being Pete Carroll or Ron Washington.

No more sex with my ex-girlfriend. Gotcha.

The reason nobody is covering it is because everyone in the sports media elites from ESPN to Fox wants a Cubs-Cardinals playoff series. It's only not controversial because that's the story line the media wants to create.

Umpires and Cubs got together tonight to cheat the Pirates out of a win. But you guys are more worried about a fucking cartoon. Oh well, probably everyone here is a bunch of fucking Cubs and Cardinals fans.