It is a parallel universe when we’re looking at McCain, Graham, and Paul, to be the opposition votes to reign in a Republican administration. Thank God McCain has proven just how long he can hold a personal grudge!
Of course they have blackmail material on him. Even Marco Rubio pointed out to his GOP colleagues that they shouldn’t take any glee in the DNC hacks because any and everyone of them could (and will) be next. And when Marco Rubio is a voice of reason, heaven help us all.
Same. I have a friend who does this too and it gets me every time.
for some reason I’m really enjoying that he spelled it ‘fucken.’
Meanwhile I’m insured through Obamacare and pregnant and terrified. Thanks a lot, assholes.
Donald Trump is the the Kim Kardashian of the political world. Everyone waits breathlessly for the mindless random crap he blurts out.
That’s enough internet for today.
Neither of which is a bad thing, styling wise.
Grad Night memories! Or... what I could remember haha
sadly yeah, I thought it was a normal touchpad with sides for a different look.
As long as it doesn’t have the reliability of a 90's RR I’d be ok with it.
If they actually start delivering any of these to actual customers in 2018, I swear here and now, I will withdraw $5,000 from my bank and burn in live on Facebook while eating a FF91 brochure.
Are we actually seeing this before the people who are sitting there at the “live reveal”? Cuz I’ve been watching and all I’ve seen so far is blah, blah, blah, wifi, blah, blah, technobabble, blah, blah, marketing jargon, blah, blah, blah... and no car yet.
I might die of acute buzz word jargon poisoning before the reveal. This guy is like a Google AI read nothing but tech company press releases before attaining consciousness.