
Here’s a hot tip for 996 interiors. Choose black, so that the ‘90s bulbous vibe fades away into the background a little more, and do a console delete like the GT3. The console delete gives it just enough old school flair to take one’s attention off the rest of it...sort of. Plus, it gives the driver more leg room.

Sounds familiar...

I didn’t realize they were in Galpin. Back when I worked in the area in 2005, a smaller little place was selling them. 

Yeah, to be fair, I used to see them more 10 years ago. I actually forgot they were still around, which is why I looked up to see if the dealer in Van Nuys was still there.

There’s no way his guy wants to worry about one of these beautiful vintage cars, living in an apartment, and, the Z8 is awesome, but Beverly Hills Car Club is not where you want to buy a car that works. NSX is a good answer. 

In LA? No way, it’s not that uncommon, and the Spyker dealer is in Van Nuys for the plebeians. 

Super fast and inexpensive electric engines will probably come so relatively soon that it will lead to the democratization of speed among most car models, and we’ll simply focus on features...or car culture will just fade away.

MHD tunes are pretty awesome for the N55.

Don’t forget the Vector W8!

This just doesn’t look great to me. I think I actually prefer the front of the XT6:

Awesome, is this a thing? I was must making fun of myself, because I got one as a hand me down in fucking teal, and it was embarrassing.  

I’ve already got my own plans for ride sharing, autonomous vehicles:

Not even close.

Damn right!

Love what I’ve seen from the A110, but, even if it was available in the US, no manual automatically crosses it off many lists...no pun intended. I’d rather have the A110 over a PDK Cayman, but I’d rather have a manual Cayman over both, even if it was a 987.2 Cayman.

It won’t so much blow minds as it will heads (gaskets.)

Get a 987.2. Better steering,  original body shape, more “go-karty.”

FWIW, having owned both, I’d say it may be easier to get more in a Cayman, as long as you only have two passengers.  The hatchback is great. Snowboards, golf clubs, etc.

Not in the US and not with a manual, which are its two biggest issues.