
So there is some legitimacy to the view this is at least in part a pipeline problem? It is OK to say that? Hopefully not get fired?

Obamacare rules caused me to lose a good health insurance policy. There were a lot of us in that position and without a subsidy we can’t afford the obamacare rates. I can’t wait to piss and crap on the grave of obamacare once it is finally killed. You people who supported this can now experience what was done to me.

Culling is obviously the most efficient way to deal with strays. Stray cats need to be eradicated too since they are harmful to wildlife.

If someone had access to 700,000 in capital that is pure lunacy to use it in a taxi market in a big city. You would probably do better with a Punjabi barbeque and have money left over for a house in flyover country

These same arguments were likely made to advocate several centuries ago for British corn laws to protect domestic grain producers from cheaper supplies. This led to higher prices and hunger among the poor however. I have to oppose any argument that advocates for a monopoly and higher prices for consumers.

So as one commenter pointed out it is a zero sum game. 25 percent gain. 25 percent lose. Rather than pitting parents against each other it might be a better strategy to convince all to work together to better fund the poorer performing schools

You are trolling lol. All new York schools are not equal or there wouldn’t be this issue.

Reserve 25 percent of seats to students who perform blow grade level? Eek! That isn’t a diversity issue. Why would they bring in a group of students who will consume an inordinate amount of teacher time and limited school resources? That just harms the other students. The “below grade average” demographic contains

So we should be the safe haven for anyone who claims they are attempting to escape oppression around the world?