
The Passion 2 40 Days of Vengeance! John Wick style

Would Aziz status as a minority and Social Justice Crusader nullify this questionable incident? I assume 90-95 percent of the women are telling the truth but some are lying or at least twisting a regretful consensual sexual encounter into sexual assault.

AV Club switches to Kinja is on the top of my list.

TFA got flack for playing it too safe but now The Last Jedi is getting criticized by EU fanboys who’ve had some sacred cows killed by this movie. It didn’t go the way they thought it would in their head so now they’re butthurt. I loved how this movie held people account for their choices. Kylo doesn’t get a redemption

It wasn’t rape rape you know. Maybe Harrison Ford can serve him a subpoena like the time he flew over to Europe to give him his Oscar.

If Bill Clinton can ride on the “Lolita Express” 26 times with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein than Trump paying some call girls to pee on a bed is small potatoes. I hate Trump but who cares.

His adaption of A.F. Gordon Theodore’s Axiomalion duodecilogy was terrible.

I’m pretty sure Louis CK is the blind item A+ list comedian who barricaded the door in his dressing room and forced a female comedic duo, probably Garfunkel & Oates, to watch him masturbate.

Good for you!