
Oh.. great cars... got it.

Make sure to spray your belts to keep them from climbing onto the couch.

Please stop with all the rational thoughts. That’s not what this article is about.

I was really hoping another guy was gonna jump out of the trunk. Leaving disappointed.

Just in case you are asking...that is perfectly normal behavior.

Clearly he didn’t read the warning...

It’s not unheard of. I have seen people get mad and I have experienced the same. lol.

Texas: You don’t need a registration or a state permit for your gun, but OOOOOOOO you’re in big trouble if we catch you with an expandable baton.

In austin its the unapologetic bong rips at stoplights, stop signs, the freeway, surface streets....

I was driving home at about 1:30 AM and I stopped at a light near my neighborhood in Austin, TX (location will make a lot of sense in a second). The cross street in front of me is at a slight slope going down from right to left. I started fiddling with the music on my phone while I waited at the light, my light turned
