Come to Europe where people travel across the country to buy a Tracy-level wreck of a Chevy Grand Voyager to install LPG in and travel in.
Come to Europe where people travel across the country to buy a Tracy-level wreck of a Chevy Grand Voyager to install LPG in and travel in.
I’m technically a millenial, and having had recently eliminated Nissan from the search for a car - what I’d want is a car NOT a generation behind the competition.
New gen of Almera and Primera?
Oh lord. Or a fastback...
Jedi and Sith both seemed like the kind of people who’d accidentally reply-to-all on a Starship wide memo and be obstructive to new tech and terms.
Fucking A!
Keeping the car in constant move is the only thing that keeps me sane in traffic. Thankfully “bad” traffic to me means 30-60 min delay, so this might be just down to specific traffic in our regions.
Might want to collab on part of this to Mr. McParland (or better yet - steal his trade, make millions selling cars to mob/sheikh “Cypriots”) - what would it take to import one to Europe?
For reference - if a US grunt (or a diplomat/ spy/ spouse thereof) stationed in Europe buys (or “buys”) one 6 months before moving,…
While I mostly agree... I’ve seen a car fire that was a literal fireball with a car-frame visible inside.
4th gear: it’s good you chronicle this, but as your tone implies...
And just like that, we get to see the same mechanism.
The thing is, a some crossovers are based on even tinier platform than the Sportswagen which already is a mini-wagon.
Hey now! Throwing millenials under the bus can only serve to obfuscate the real issue of equating ignorant with cool, which is intergenerational.
I read your comment as argument on favour of such taxation. It’s a tax burden on big companies who succesfully avoid taxation via overblown “Owes” in normal countries and “Owns” to tax havens.
Writing: balancing what you want to write with realities of what it takes to publish it.
As a deliquent who has used pen-drives and did minimal research into SSDs before buying one...
I realistically can’t think of ONE thing that LeBron wouldn’t be able to afford if he lost ALL income from China overnight. And I’m counting a mansion with 4 Aventadors as one thing.
Dude has earned over a BILLION. But he’s worried that not ignoring people who don’t want to be sent to slave camps if they anger their…
This is why Libertarians (old or young) are not taken anymore seriously than college “communists”, trailer park “supremacists” or overweight doctors commenting on health.
Every year I feel less and less ashamed that I absolutely adore the Pontiac Aztec - if only from afar, as the main gamebreaker with it seems to be build quality.
Come to think of it, I think I prefer the on-hold kind to Kenny G.
“Umber metallic”? As in “glossy whale shit”?
Damn, talk about being self conscious.
Checked for frame of reference: