
lol Who else is going to be a cop you dumbfuck? Did you see what undereducated black cops did to Tyre Nichols?  Cops are always going to be stupid scum.  Color has nothing to do with it. 

If any of you Indiana sluts wanna get an abortion, the Legendary RockHard’s erection is always available for action!

Not an upside when you’re a fascist woketard demanding total compliance

She can look forward to a parade of brainless clowns with surgically attached cocks and cunts

Everyone understands pronouns dumbfuck. Not a new invention unless you’re a shitstain woketard. You white woketards workin on Spanish pronouns too?

But not until the trannies force her to cut their wigs!

When you see a dude claiming to be a woman or vice versa its a dead giveaway.

Go to a pet groomer because trannies are beasts? That’s hilarious and accurate

Love to see a story about a tranny going to a Muslim person’s hair salon! Chop, Chop!

Says the guy caping for Jonah Hill. You dick in the booty pedo fag. 

I am a young single mother from the state of Iowa.

I had an appointment to abort my daughter Julia 32 weeks into my pregnancy. I would have done it sooner but work had been hectic. I was in fierce competition for a promotion. I had worked VERY HARD for that promotion and I knew I deserved it more than Pam. I wasn’t

What a surprise facist liberals didnt give a shit about biologoical Women in Iowa. Well, they care about erasing Women, but that’s it.

Brave of you to reveal something so personal, bra!

Dats why RockHard feels good poundin shitstain woketards!

This attack on the Supreme Court is DISGUSTING.

Must be a woketard! Their big fans of da keeds just like Jonah!

Looks like its dat time in Jonah’s life when all the hoes come crawling out of their holes lookin for cash on the basis that Jonah crawled into their holes years ago....allegedly!


Why are a bunch of 16 year old girls hanging out at an adult Hollywood party?  Casting couch regret is a mother fucker...

No, he wants to do full discovery and adequately defend himself.  Now fuck off.