Here’s the move - black player claims racism. White coach gets fired. Black coach gets hired to prove they aren’t racist. Classic racist victim coup - same thing that happened with the LA Clippers.
Here’s the move - black player claims racism. White coach gets fired. Black coach gets hired to prove they aren’t racist. Classic racist victim coup - same thing that happened with the LA Clippers.
She look like she saw a thug!
So making fun of a mentally ill woman because of her race is sweet, using racial slurs against mentally ill women because they’re white is sweet, denigrating your own country which has provided you with an unimaginable life by most of human standards is sweet, but pointing out actual crimes is Nazi behavior. Got it.
“What a time to be in white folks business”
Just saw a video of some ‘african’ american asshole in NYC shooting people from a scooter. He killed an 87 year old man. Think this is a better story than racially insulting a white woman?
Whitey bad Whitey bad!
Oh look, some therapy language^
Then she shouldn’t have gotten pregnant. The headline makes it seem as if the mother gave her daughter the morning after pill, where in reality she terminated a pregnancy wherein the fetus could very well be viable and could have lived if she had given birth then and there. I’m not against abortions, but it’s a bit of…
What bullshit. Put your fucking hands back in your pocket. No one is paying any ‘reparations’ for anything.
By all means convince your children that they are victims - a sure way to make them losers at life.
Or just fuck you and your inbred family.
I bet he does a lot more to earn his salary than you do.
Black Farmers Have Faced Decades of Discrimination...
You’re such a racist asshole - proven by any association with the ACLU.
Child sex trafficking = sensationalised nonsense. Sounds like something s groomer would say
It’s white farmers who feed America.
FYI: There are actual grown men out there posing not only as female people but as female children, but sure, act like “trans age” is just some Qanon conspiracy theory. And tell me something. Legal adulthood is more of a social construct than sex ever was. If we can declare a male person female on a government…
The irony of a hit piece (about people that have dedicated their lives to eradicating child trafficking), being published on a website called “Jezebel” ( a woman that plotted and schemed to murder the prophets of God) is not lost on me.
Leftists offended by a movie about protecting children from sexual abuse.
Get that black man! He’s Uncle Tom! He’s bad! Get him Get him!