
I think that’s an excellent idea.

It can, and has, done both.

1971 Ford Pinto, and make sure the secret service car follows close behind.

Would I be out of line suggesting a bit of a throwback? How about a mid-60's Lincoln Continental convertible?

No the entire point of electrification is not that we use 100% electricity only.  A range extender makes this vehicle accessible to a lot more folks. I still have no desire to road trip an EV, but would like an EV for around town.  A range extender on here is highly interesting to me, letting me use electricity 98% of

Collective punishment of Republicans would be awesome.

Textual diarrhoea 💩🤡

Start with twats like Blown2K 👌🏾

They’re developing Wonder Woman’s jet.

May the entire crop of billionaires and 47's sycophants be in it when it collapses. Then seal it with concrete. Just in case. 

all of this

Came here for this. Thank you.

They can still rig the Oscars, but ignore the Guttenberg.  I’m glad they’re just the No Homers Club now.

The stonecutters have failed Steve and they have failed us all by not perpetuating his stardom.

Who in the hell puts a fur coat on a turd?

Had to scroll too far down to find this. You’re bought and paid for, Donnie. Time to put on the gimp suit.

Or a fixed fee on the gig economy’s least able to pay.

It’s stupid, it will be mismanaged and only cause inconvenience for rich, not so rich and poor people regressively. It will never meaningfully fund anything, will be fraught with management issues and waste and will be ultimately abandoned.

Because the socialism of the military only extends as far as buying and shooting the guns, not taking care of people.

It seems to be working in London, although to your point, I noticed an overrepresentation of Bentleys, Lamborghinis, and Ferraris while walking the streets of Chelsea.