I am a cranky shut in and it’s too cold to go out. I did go out yesterday and I saw two driving Dodge Shadows! A Christmas miracle!?
I am a cranky shut in and it’s too cold to go out. I did go out yesterday and I saw two driving Dodge Shadows! A Christmas miracle!?
Cup holders could have prevented any spills on her dalmatian hide coat.
Trump will do whatever his paymasters and blackmailers tell him to do.
Does a big, cool engine in a terrible vehicle make it no longer a terrible vehicle?
Has he ever taken an English class?
Valid point...
The only thing that tops trumpers’ cruelty is their stupidity. All of the hatred and cruelty that they have unleashed is coming right back at them.
Racists should shut the fuck up.
I’m going to wait until Hitler has an electric car company. Why fuck around.
It’s the instantaneous worldwide dissemination of 8th Grade gossip.
Motherfucking conspiracy theorists have crippled if not destroyed this country.
Told you so...
Why punish innocent alligators?
Florida is New Jersey with palm trees.
Wow. What a list! I love the sideways Lovecraft reference. He’s my favorite racist weirdo. Mostly because he’s long dead and will never be President.
That’s a nice street. I hope the residents there are going to be alright.
Overpaid and unqualified.