When bosses try to kill their employees, turning them in to deadly missiles on public highways, they should be criminally prosecuted. This should not be controversial.
When bosses try to kill their employees, turning them in to deadly missiles on public highways, they should be criminally prosecuted. This should not be controversial.
Its a good one.
Worst concept car. They actually made it!
How about “water free living”? We Blue States shouldn’t be expected to federally subsidize dum dums in desert (mainly red) states and their socialist water projects. Certainly not for fucking golf courses.
He’s a Republican level of weird.
“Senator! Senator! You forgot your torches and robes!”
Jackass was stupid and dangerous but often made me laugh harder than I’ve ever laughed. If drunk uncle starts whining about “men” fighting women in the Olympics, show him this gem.
I missed that one. Blair Witch, in space?
It’s EuroDisney or bust for me!
Has anyone seen Apollo 13?
Pouring a little vodka on them might work...
Mechanical fail-safe switches are not modern and just look unseemly. Stop being a luddite technophobe.
Obviously touch screens would solve all of these problems.
A lot of these coasters are in repressive religious regimes where my ways are frowned upon if not actively persecuted. Of course I mean Sandusky, Ohio.