May all of the neo-Confederates like Rock be inflicted with the dysentery and privation that killed so many of their treasonous role models during the Civil War.
Rogue one and Andor show us what could have been. Sometimes hope is just about all we have.
By “loan” you mean bribe.
After they were released and Lucas sold control of the franchise.
They did it because they could and that’s good enough for me.
Cartman is just big boned and he still sucks.
The fans demand that Turner D. Century needs to do some good old fashioned witch hunting!
Thank you! Yes, ROTJ was a bit of a let down after the perfection of ESB but not completely off the rails like Menace was.
Star Wars peaked with The Empire Strikes Back. There have been some entertaining ones since, Rogue One, about half of The Mandalorian and Andor are favorites of mine but there has also been a lot of dreck of which The Phantom Menace is the original bitter disappointment from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
EVERYTHING that comes from China needs to be tariffed. Companies that skirt American regulations, most egregiously labor and environmental safety laws, need to be punished. Essential and vulnerable domestic industries need to be protected. This doesn’t even address the fact that our addiction to cheap Chinese crap has…
I have never been bored by a Corman film and have always been entertained by them.
I would say he depends on them. Love is an alien concept for Donnie Von Shitzinpantz.
Lord, you say? Certainly not the false gods of this blasphemous modern world!
Sure to be a real humdinger!
How will the Swiss cut all their cheese?