
Gene Simmons gets 83 cents for every click on this post.

How else will they summon Hedorah?

Lunacy is a serious medical condition. I suggest copious amounts of laudanum.

I liked this show. It wasn’t another goddamm Law and Order. It was an atmospheric thriller and character study. It was nice to see the women get the win. All the ends don’t have to fit.

So there’s hope?

Getting weird?

We’re all Turner now.

Your fault, Sony. Not producing a Turner D. Century film is costing you.

A live action Sony not-Spider-Man movie is Turner D. Century’s destiny but he could feature in an animated sequel.

This is just the type of disrespectful tomfoolery that gets Turner’s dander up.

A Sony not-Spiderman Turner D. Century extravaganza is the kind of project that can help this Nolan kid make the big time.

Those buffets don’t refill themselves.

Johnny should be spending his time more productively by lobbying to play Turner D. Century in the next Sony not-Spider-Man mega-blockbuster.

Yes but how does Turner D. Century fit in to all of this?

They don’t call them Massholes for nothing.

Where is today’s Madame Web article?