
The next thing he’ll say is the umpire can barely walk to his ride after the game and he should take a drug test before game 3. At the beginning of the game he was yelling strike very loud and by the end of the game you could barely hear him over the Indians fans screaming after they won.

You know who else said the system was rigged?

“This guy gets it, BIGLY!”

Tribe is on it:

“All you have to do is go look at video and try to count the number of pitches they have thrown over the heart of the plate,” Bautista said. “It hasn’t been many. They’ve been able to do that because of the circumstances — that I’m not trying to talk about because I can’t. That is for you guys to do, but you guys

Now this is some locker room talk!

+1 grab them by the pitcher

Obvious explanation is that with the exchange rate, Toronto only receives 75% of the calls.

LOL Johnson is such a bad candidate rumor has it his own running mate explored the possibility of taking over as the nominee.

Every time Gary Johnson gets in front of a camera he makes a fool out of himself. I don’t buy that he would show up for the debate and people would suddenly think “I want this eccentric, poorly-dressed, colossally ignorant bro to be President.”  

Make America Great Again (by being okay with saying horrible things about minorities)

You’re right, though. Pence would make for a suuuuuuper shitty president.

Bill Clinton isn’t running for President. Bill Clinton doesn’t fantasize about banging his own daughter. Trump is and does.

“What the fuck is with all these people today, wanting to ‘have empathy’ and ‘consider the feelings of others’ and ‘be polite’ to people?”

Does it even register with you that Hillary is the one running for president? If anything, people feel sympathetic to Hillary over her husband’s infidelities. Another distinction that seems over your head here is the fact that Bill Clinton, for all his faults, is not the type of idiotmonster who would say that kind of

“Politically correct” (basically, being polite) is now a slur

Oh, and also, Hillary loses is what happens. At that point the general republican base that says Trump is too much for them can embrace their more general republican candidate and crush Hillary. Remember, Trump is basically the worst person to run for office and Hillary is just eeking out victory at this point. Get