
How old are you? Seriously, you have to be a kid. Isn't it obvious that he saw the sexualization of a minor and couldn't stand the thought of the same thing being done to his daughter?

Really wish the author could come down here and justify this, instead of acknowledging compliments.

yeah, but are depictions of females that are simply male power dynamic sexual fantasies really empowering? I'm seriously asking, because I think it's something worth talking about. I haven't seen this anime, so I can't really comment with any amount of accuracy, but there are a lot of movies with your stereotypical

As someone not very familiar with anime, could some one explain to me the concept of "fan service?" As a Westerner, and we're talking about, say a superhero movie, "fan service" in this context is something like an image or joke hidden in the shot that only dedicated fans of the topic would get or appreciate. Is fan

Do you realize the Eastern Conference consisted of all but two teams taking a dive for this draft? I'm pretty sure my elementary Catholic school basketball team could have broken .500 if it had to play against that talent. Fuck, the Wizards were in the playoffs...


Cool comeback, bro. Of course you don't need album sales to tell you that. I can count on my fingers the metal bands that are actually decent; most metal bands think playing arpeggios really fast is some indication of skill, when in reality any musician worth his weight in talent could have played those years ago in

That's not a logically sound argument. First off, you are completely misrepresenting what he said. Secondly, what's the use of punishing anybody, then?

...wouldn't adjusting the prices after Squenix went after the gold farmers solved the problem? It's not like the economy needed gold farmers to survive. It just needed the foundations of a sound economy, which it seems like it never had in the first place.

The world would be a better place if idiots lacked the courage to say stupid things in the first place. Music is dead, now, anyways; what's the use of even arguing.

You probably should read more. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

You can make a similar picture chronicling the (d)evolution of art, culminating with modernism, or post modernism. Not entirely sure what your point is. Care to elaborate?

That wasn't the point of his post, and has actually very little to do with anything, but ok.

All I am saying is what you said is a vast oversimplification of the reward/punishment system set up by laws since, well, the beginning of time. The only reason you give to not punish people for violating the law, a law which is admittedly downright stupid, is because doing so would put people in jail and out they

Every prisoner thinks they are innocent.

Agreed. If I came off sounding like that, I apologize. What gets me is the amount of people who think that NO punishment should be levied against people who hack, cheat, whatever. In the grand scheme of things, perma-bans seem fair at least to me.

It's just that simple! That's how criminals are made! To fix this, let's just get rid of all laws, and all punishments. Before long, criminals will cease to exist ("Bam!"), because we stopped punishing them!

"Look at it like this..."

Not sure about Japan, but in the U.S., ignorance of the law doesn't really get you far.

Well, isn't Madden just a reskin of Battlefield, if only for a series of differences: No guns, player skins, different AI, ball and hit mechanics, etc etc on and on.