
Song, schmong—I'd just like to be sandwiched between those legs.

Both Messrs Obama and Trump are Swifties. And you can't argue with legs like hers. If they have lots of clips of her making out with Selena and Karlie, I'll watch this.

You people, 'violent'? Puh-leeze! Look at what happened after Muslim terrorists murdered nearly three thousand, on U.S. soil: your President kicked his shoes off at a mosque, weepy pleas for tolerance followed, etc. Contrast that to Nepal, when a half dozen Nepalese workers were killed in Iraq, by Islamists: Muslims

Google "Harvey Weinstein"+"casting couch". The rumors have been there awhile, and this will all come out, when he starts poking at pro-gun groups, which also include people like Anonymous. In the circles Mr Weinstein is targeting, sexual harassment and sexual coercion have a lot more traction than gun control.

Someone once opined that the show is so popular with men because of the characters represent a cross section of the most desirable female personality archetypes. Think of it as Pretty Little Liars, but with cartoon equines rather than barely legal young actresses. This makes sense. Also, the Hasbro marketing team was

Maybe Twi got biped-curious, and decided to go for some hot primate action…

Hey, I'd nail Pinkie Pie…if she looked like Jessica Chastain. I suspect most cloppers are NOT about to traipse down to the nearest stable and get randy with an Arabian or Clydesdale. Rather, they like the personalities of the MLP:FIM characters. The writing and voice acting, in terms of creating believable and

This is pretty funny, but there is a kernel of truth here. Hasbro's marketing team isn't stupid. By giving the Mane Six attractive physical attributes (big eyes, lashes, long legs and curvaceous 'plots') and a cross section of the most desirable personality archetypes (party girl, intense intellectual, tomboy country

Liberals/progressives are big prudes, too, only they use words like 'hypersexualized' and phrases like 'promoting unattainable body types,' rather than Biblical language. In the 1990s, I recall a number of 'sexual harassment' suits and actions over things like posters of events with girls in bikinis.

I feel the same way about Selena Gomez. And Nickelodeon's Victoria Justice.

So when black musicians (of West African heritage) 'appropriated' European musical instruments, was that bad? The whole 'cultural appropriation' PC garbage should have died and rotted with the passing of the 1990s, along with stupid neologisms like 'cisgendered.'

Well…Frankie Sinatra had his mob buddies beat the snot out of people, Miles Davis beat up his consorts, too many rockers to mention trashed hotels and cars, and then there was legendary producer Phil Spector…violence in the entertainment industry is no worse than now.

I'm amazed at the prudishness of people. Singers like Billie Holiday and Janis Joplin were drugged-out skanks and really overrated as talents, who would make LiLo look like a Dominican nun. And those old Rock & Rollers' drug use, violence and underage groupie gangbangs make Chris Brown look like Billie Graham. And

I just saw this movie. Don't waste your money on a disc, and over an hour of your time. The writing is terrible, with an incoherent, meandering and pretty stupid script. The acting is too mannered, and the editing poor. The only thing this 'classic' B movie has going for it is some impressive cinematography. Even the

Bugs Bunny was a gay crossdresser, who liked seducing male humans. At least that's what I got out of watching those cartoons, as a kid. And Dumbo became a tee-totaler, after suffering the DTs.

The bulk of the brony fanbase seems to be typical adult suburban males disgusted with reality TV (e.g., myself), HALO-playing older teens, PTSD-suffering military men, gun nuts, and the odd sexual deviant (e.g., the guy who claims he's engaged to Twilight Sparkle, Rule 34ists). I don't think too many pedos watch this

I'm very disappointed in the direction this show has taken. 'Equestria Girls' should have featured (as per the equine characters) 20s-20s young women, in a live-action film. Amber Heard as Rarity, Emily Van Camp as Fluttershy, Jessica Chastain as Pinkie Pie, etc. Charlize Theron, of course, would play Celestia. I'm