Nonpareils of Pauline

I’m not familiar with the known trolls here, but the statement goes for anyone that is set on antagonizing Bernie Bros and trying to shame them into voting for Hillary. It may feel good getting up on your soap box and preaching to the cis white men about how shitty they are, but in the end it only pushes more of them

Nope. I’ve voted Democrat since I’ve voted for Gore in 2000.

Bernie isnt responsible for his aupporters no more than hillary was of her racist supporters on 08

It’s time for him to fucking stay in the race until the convention, thank you very much.

Same. Luckily, our local community theater is putting on “Murdered to Death” for the second time in three years, so that’ll be a good show.

Having owned both a ‘98 F-150 4x4 and a ‘13 F-150 4x4, I can definitely say that the ground clearance decreased a lot. I could easily slide under the ‘98 (it had roughly 12" of clearance), but no chance of that in the ‘13 (maybe 8").

Hey Anna, just wanted to say you’re awesome. I don’t know how much that means coming from a rando on the internet but your article was interesting and I enjoyed it. Here have a Dean gif.

You convinced me! Where are the carrots to stick up my ass, and how much money can I pay your creepy “empowering” leader to make me cry on stage?

Great article Anna. And perfect responses. I like your style. Stay professional.

These women who are so “courageously speaking out against this horrible fake guru” are like WAY not hot and so lame for having fallen “prey” to their own daddy issues.

They weren’t remotely accusatory, Hannah. I talked to Shana several times and expressed a very sincere and genuine curiosity about SSM and a willingness to hear what drew you guys to it (and in your case I would’ve asked about your partnership with International).

Hard returns & paragraph breaks are NOT hot at all. They are some real crazy bitches.

When I have visitors from out of town, I walk them through the McGill University campus where we’ll sit down on a park bench. Then I remind them that they can put on their CV that they were “offered a chair at McGill.”

Hi Princess Superstar! I’m sorry you chose not to respond to my email requesting comment but happy to see you here!

Hey, I got the Divine on speakerphone. She speaks to whoever she wants.

I’m surprised to hear him described as an “unlikely looking” guru, because he looks exactly like I’d picture a smug, middle-age self-defined guru who tries to control younger women.

If someone was going to found a cult based on Divine, it would sure be better than this.