If the MSM devoted the same amount of energy and coverage to every horrible black on white crime as the are doing with the Yarl case, that would be 95% of the stories on the news
If the MSM devoted the same amount of energy and coverage to every horrible black on white crime as the are doing with the Yarl case, that would be 95% of the stories on the news
Most blacks can’t read. Books are kryptonite to them. Even Obama said it’s easier to find a gun in a black household than a book. Chris Rock said to hide your money in your books
You can always count on “smart” blacks to defend their violent criminals, then the same lowlives start crying about “how they see us”
He was a typical lowlife black POS and the city got better after he died
But she wasn’t firing her gun into his apartment, hip hop thug
I guess you already forgot how one of those great Muslim wasted the 10 whites in Colorado last April
LOL, blacks loot, riot and destroy regularly and commit the majority of inter-racial crime,s but blame YT
The most important and revered people in the black coonmunity are criminals who died in police custody no matter how
They wanted all sorts of people to smoke, because they want your $
OMG, this is such an important issue. Marlboros were aggressively marketed to white guys.
So young women really want to see cross dressers posing as women on the runway
That should go over like a lead balloon
Try not being a criminal. Cause and effect is a concept blacks don’t seem to handle too well. I love the mantra about blacks being “disproportionately” shot by the police, as if their super high crime rate is irrelevant. Do you know what else is even truer? Police being disproportionately shot by the blacks!
When Moslems commit terrorism, you vermin lie or bring up irrelevant trash like the Crusades. Who cares about your ignorant irrati0nal out rage this time.? You are gloating that this time it was a white right winger
Didn’t see you smug braindead hypocites react the same way like when the racist black Moslem gunned down 4 random whites in Fresno last April. PS, I refuse to ally myself with hateful midgets like u
baloney, black women are not the highest educated demographic. Some liar or moron misinterpreted the data as usual
Because Jezebel is all about making women always the victim and giving them special privileges, These feminists are essentially amoral lowlifes
You sound like a leftist retard who repeats black power lies since you are a complete lowlife. just like the black criminals you are lying your fat ugly ass off about