Pathetic, sensationalist tosh. Poor, poor show.
Pathetic, sensationalist tosh. Poor, poor show.
Gah, why did you change your comment? The first iteration was very good!
Fantastic. Where are the +1s???
He will go down as the best footballer ever, no question.
Just in case any new soccer fans don't understand the 'four years' comment, Pep played for Barcelona while Mourinho was working for them as an interpreter.
Same question was asked here: []
I don't know what this is, but I like it and can't stop re-reading...
Won't you get in trouble for approving this bellend?
Not being American, I had to do a little research to 'get' this. I'm glad I did. Excellent stuff.
Harry Redknapp didn't find it as amusing.
"If my momma was on the Court, I'd hit her too."
But what if he doesn't have a hockey stick??
What's more remarkable is that he trained a seal to film his antics.
@sweatingmullets: Ha, I think if you had been offered 2-4 years last night for $900 you'd have took it for sure! That's the bottom line really, so don't worry about the fact that the lump was benign. Glad to hear he's OK.
I came back just now for that very reason (i.e. an update).
I have seen quite a few dogs put to sleep, and would advise you if, like me, you are the sort of person who doesn't ever view dead bodies at wakes (not because I'm frightened of them, but because I don't want that vision to form any part of my memories of that person) you should think twice about being the person who…
Damn, I didn't know there were gamers on here! I have a question; do you suffer from motion sickness at all? If yes, any moments when Portal 2 set it off? I played Portal on The Orange Box, loved it and completed it, but when I played Portal: Still Alive I got terrible motion sickness. For reference, I also tried to…
Why this hasn't been given a +1 yet I have no idea...