@Raizo: lol
@Raizo: lol
@Samer Ocho Cinco: Ha, I really liked your MS Paint job. Crude, but probably funnier than all the fancy-Dan Photoshop efforts.
@sir_pantsalot: Not him. I know where he lives, and this isn't it.
@Deanb: Not a shortage: surprisingly, it is just now being released in the US.
@McMasters: Nice story!
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Nice idea. You know that the little pricks will go into the 'mature player lobby' just to annoy people even more though. But hey, it's progress, so kudos to Bungie.
@votey: Did you find out? I don't want to read the review for fear of spoilers.
@AmataPsyche: My hero.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: So does the game actually have some kind of 'asshole filter'?
@minusX: That's a possibility, but if true it actually makes it worse; not only did they not say 'thank you', they also didn't do others the courtesy of posting that the code has been taken. It's just not cricket as far as I'm concerned.
What the hell is up with the commenters taking a code, then posting 'code XYZ taken' without so much as a 'thank you'? I mean seriously, what happened to good manners?
@ShamrockSean: Haha, fantastic!
@alexander284: Disgusting, yet amusing nonetheless.
@bowen13: more like 6-8 days (at least it has been in my experience; mine broke, my brother's, and my cousin's, all back in 6-8 days).
@roll41: Vega is my main (over 1700 fights in SFIV) and I can tell you that his new Ultra is INCREDIBLE. Makes a huge difference to his game,. Can now punish anyone who jumps in, tries to attack on wakeup, or who throws a fireball from across the screen. Kind of a shame not to use Ultra II, but Ultra I is so improved…
@DarkReaper9: Without so much as a 'thank you', too.
@roll41: Which character(s) are you picking?
Street Fighter