
@Komrade Kayce: I think I'll have to get it. There are brand new copies on eBay for US $46 (~$48 Canadian). I reckon I'll have to have one of them now. Thanks for the input gentlemen.

@Komrade Kayce: Kayce, any point in getting this to play singleplayer? Also, just checked out your avatar- are you Irish? #borderlands

@Adhominem: How? I didn't see his original comment and was curious about what he said. I'm sure I'm not the only one. #forza


@Odin: So you're saying Chips are just small fry?? :P

@nantukoprime: Seriously, how can you not be a star commenter? I love your comments, will have to nominate you soon I think.

FAO any UK people reading this: Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of this are £24.97 in Tesco stores and on [] :)

I'll be having this. I've put 100+ hours into SFIV, enjoyed every minute (minus those spent fighting Seth). I got more than my moneys worth out of that (30p an hour?), will no doubt get the same value from this.

Monty Phan???

@crsdfr: I'm 6'2 and weigh 190 lbs, so not much fat here. Not much muscle either, but that's besides the point.

In my opinion a Gabe Newell fat-joke should be an automatic ban. Seriously, do any of you people cracking these 'jokes' think they are even remotely funny or original? It's like reading a bunch of damn YouTube comments. You're embarrassing yourselves and denigrating Kotaku. Pathetic.

No 'thank you duckmouth' for the tip?? :'(