
@Liptons: Sadly I think he is being serious.

@Poison: Have you tried to look it up yourself? Is it actually a word? Doesn't make sense to me. Seems a bit like saying someone is 'undermalnourished' or 'overdead'.

@Lacabra: Ha, I really hope you raise enough to fly those guys out to Oz. If you don't manage to raise enough, what are your plans for the $$? Child's Play is a pretty great charity :)

@Cojo21: Your friend sounds like a turd.

Żywiec - An outstanding Polish lager. Get it, refrigerate it, drink it. Job's a good 'un.

@John-irl: A rep on the net? Where? Every article I have read has always had a link direct to the source at the bottom of the post.

Ha, the questions that buyers have asked (and the seller's answers) are pretty funny:

Possibly one of the worst apologies I have ever read Luke :)

@nantukoprime: Really excellent post. I hate the new system too. I used to love reading through the comments in chronological order. The system for expanding discussions was great. Now, it's just a mixed up mess, which puts me off reading and commenting. It's a shame. I don't know who could design the new system and

@GoonerVance: You keep playing for the same reason as I do: There is no more satisfying kill than a point-blank Gears of War shotgun kill. It makes all the other crap (just about) tolerable.

@gold163 Have Explosive: I can wait until after launch, I'm in no hurry. I know that CoD4 retained it's value for a very long time, but there is always someone who won't play it online, beats the campaign and puts it on eBay.

He is obviously starting this by raising the price of MW2 to £45 in the UK. Even the online retailers have it at that price. I for one will be waiting to get a copy on eBay, as I refuse to pay such a high price. I hope many more people take the same stance I do.

@iGoldman: "Faggotry"? Good luck getting your account approved son.

@DireWombat: Thank you for the polite clarification.