
It’s not that complicated. It’s essentially the same way he does now, with YouTube. He started with a small gaming related channel, and over time expanded into further topics. He reinvested the money he made into more videos, gaining popularity and viewership.

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn’t grow. You didn’t improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It’s sad that you don’t know the difference.

I wasn’t logged out on the PS5 when it was in rest mode. It appears I was logged in for several days. Woke up the PS5 and jumped right into a quick play match in 10 seconds. Today I was logged out.

Good! I did this by accident the other day when I left the game on my PS5 but didn’t shut it down and then put my console into Rest Mode. Came back the following evening and I was still logged into the game. Whoops!

Helping people stock shelves, i.e. finding it and putting it out for them, is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. It is the exact opposite, i.e. doing their work for them so they aren’t compelled to do so because of their job.

You can start the end of toxicity by not telling somebody “end of conversation” because you decided their opinion isn’t valid.

Im not really trying to do an “on the other hand”. In fact that is a key part of what I am trying to get at.

I think “Voters” take the top spot there, but in a way that feels very different.

Well yes all the death threats and the like sis crazy out of proportion. And all that needs to stop.

What, there’s no category for ‘game that managed to completely meet everyone’s expectations both positive and negative?’ No award for ‘game that contained not a single surprise’? Voted number one in the category of ‘sure is the kind of game you’d expect this company to make in 2023 without any internal shakeups or

Call me crazy but this marketing vehicle gussied up as an award show is not where I care to hear takes regarding Middle East conflicts.

People give Hasan shit because he constantly criticizes US foreign policy as “imperialism” but hand waves Russia’s foreign policy on Ukraine as justified due to “US aggression”. He’s also known for defending China’s treatment of Uighars as “re-education camps” and not for the cultural genocide that it is.

He’s not a


Ugh... I was really looking forward to until the reviews started saying that it’s yet another “boss fights mean beating your head against a wall for hours on end” FromSoft game.

It’s very telling that in a series all about the dangers of religious zealotry, racism, and come up with “actually capitalism is the real villain!”

It's like how fascists constantly use strongman imagery like the Death Star and Thanos because they think those guys were the heroes and forgot both were ultimately defeated.

More commentary from our enlightened brethren.

It’s cosplay socialism. Blame “capitalism” for everything the same way right wing chuds scream about “socialism.”

This site doesn’t really have any grasp of such terms. There was an article here about how One Piece is socialist because it shows rebellion against power structures is inevitable.