While I did enjoy the information, the video really did a bad job of “telling, not showing” - I would’ve loved to hear more straight in-game audio to figure out what was so great about it.
While I did enjoy the information, the video really did a bad job of “telling, not showing” - I would’ve loved to hear more straight in-game audio to figure out what was so great about it.
But seriously, impeach that motherfucker.
And down at the Weight Rack, they say, shit got really fucking weird that day.
In all seriousness, I get having an emotional attachment to certain entertainment products. I still get a warm feeling in my chest every time I think about the “good” (destroyed Black Omen/rescued Crono/fixed the timeline problems) ending in …
I have zero clue what your talking about as playstation 3 had free online play. Also this came out in 2007 so if you didnt play it before I doubt you were going to start now.
Playing the sexism card toward a comment about your naivete only drives home the point that you’re a naive child.
Chill, child.
Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything
“ It doesn’t apply to me personally, so it must not be true!!! “
Seems fairly realistic to me. Wouldn’t be fun if every single area was a bottleneck or hot zone.
Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.
“The Agency is exercising its enforcement discretion in 2018 and 2019.”
You are exactly who this is for
You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.
Michelson made most of that money through insider training and spotting rich hedge fund assholes 10 strokes for 250,000 per round. Golf isn’t athletics. It’s a skill but it’s not athletic.
Now, now, let’s all just be reasonable and go back to playing our respective games... oh, right...
As someone who also bears the unholy burden of the surname Kuntz, let me please take some time to say that dude’s parents are fucking assholes for naming their kid Harry. Fuck right off, jerks.
Yeah, but like, just the Idris Elba shows.
100% BBC cuckold porn and no one is surprised.