
Can we stop this shit? Can we stop with this “Wasn’t it great when we murdered each other over music battles” bullshit? No, no it wasn’t. Go say that shit to Biggie’s kid and see where it gets you.

“I’m purely arguing for the game itself...” Yeah on every single comment that is even remotely critical of the game. I hope you’re getting paid for this advocacy.

It is beyond me why people want these things

The face paint is something they actually did though. So... pick something else to focus on.

there weren’t really many in the frontlines (I think in WASP which flew planes, 38 died) but the soviet union had a ton! But they definitely were in the forces doing other tasks, just not a lot of fighting at least on this side of the pond, but honestly if ANY women fought they should be able to be represented and

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Wow..that’s what you think someone would be jealous of? You definitely have the IQ of a snapping turtle. Way to go, bub!

This. Plus, what gave her the right to walk up and ruin brunch for everyone else?

People can bitch about not “resorting to violence” but part of making the world a nicer place for marginalized people is shutting up racists and other assholes. Punching Richard Spencer in the face, tossing drinks at Tomi Lahren, these aren’t just things that give me a warm fuzzy, they’re laudable actions that

Not the issue. His complaint was about Hillary using a personal server for official business. He’s using a personal phone. His administration have been using unsecured private servers for their emails.

He liked Jello Biafra. And MST3K.

Jaxson AND Taylor. What else would you expect?

OF COURSE one of her children is named Jaxson.

Storytime : As a musician with a decently busy ska band in the 90's, I got the chance to play with the Specials. Jokingly, their lead singer at the time shouted to someone working backstage :

On April 15, 2018, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter scalped America bald when she gave the blackest performance Coachella has ever seen.

Imagine fighting over Dinesh D’Souza and being jealous of Ann Coulter.

Your smug version of Atheism makes me want to worship a god.

And yet... people crave community and church can bring that - it’s abundantly clear that this is what the writer was looking for. It isn’t all “where am I going to go when I’m dead” and “how do I personally bring the second coming of Christ and impose my morals on others.” It’s history, cultural experience, community