
From the Reading Comprehension Tees

What the fuck is this videodrome shit.

You mean it’s not his actual car? Whaaaaaaaa?!

Lane splitting is legal in Cali just fyi

Yeah because God forbid someone whowas previously behind you gets to their destination faster than you. Lane splitting eases congestion on the highway, you should be thanking motorcyclists for doing this. Of course this guy is an asshat, but not because he was splitting.

“Cassius Marsh is known for tackling ball carriers as a professional linebacker, but the Seattle Seahawk’s 6’4”, 245-pound frame recently proved entirely useless in the mental athletics of Magic: the Gathering.”

Hillary Clinton needs to take a back seat from here on out. Regardless of what you think of her (I’ll keep my opinion myself, though I will admit I ultimately voted for her) she lost two presidential races and Democrats need more fresh faces. Not the same old recycled nonsense. We cannot solve our problems with the

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

Dad? How’d you find this site?

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

“blatant favoritism to blacks”

I find myself drawn to purchase games for the Switch. I think it’s the excuse of “well now it’s a portable version” is a strong one with me.

Thanks for letting us know, we all wanted to know Chronicpeace`s opinion on a console he doesn’t own and a game that is not related to the article.

So you don’t own one but you’re dissatisfied. Got it.

We are talking about a huge game company, not a high schooler trying to avoid getting “bullied”. They are adding women because they think that more people will buy the game because they can play as women in the multiplayer (as I noted above, I think that excluding female avatars at this point would be to pander to

“If prey forces me to play as a woman, fine. Ill have to dealt with playing another sex.”

Such a scary thing huh? Being forced to not have a penis in the game? Oh heaven’s no, I shiver at the thought of the mental anguish that might put you through.

Mind you this is an OPTION, not a mandatory thing, an option in a game

Buddy, you’re really angry here. It’s almost guaranteed that the female soldiers will be in multiplayer, where it literally won’t matter at all. Try to step away from the extreme emotional reaction to what you see as “political correctness”, and maybe take a deep breath before you leave angry comments; I think you’ll

Gamers were a mistake.

Do you think the majority of Americans are in the position to own exotic cars?