
Someone who’s drunk and angry is someone who was already angry.

I will never understand the drunk and angry on a plane thing. I just have a few drinks to be able to sleep or chill while in the air. Being an asshole doesn’t make it any better, but usually worse.

I’ve heard stories of RyanAir. I thought they had a 2 drink MINIMUM, if you were under the age of 10 and a 2 CASE minimum if you were above that.

Given the amount of money airport bars make selling overpriced drinks to waiting passengers, mandated alcohol consumption seems more likely. Like, you can’t board unless you blow at least a 0.05 on the breathalyzer.

Collective punishment is never the answer. Not my problem.

Well, the US has had us do ESTA for almost 2 decades ;)

I have a steel 1/2 teaspoon measureing spoon that I sharpened one edge. Holding it in one hand with strawberry in the other and it scoops out the stem quickly with one move. Easy peasy.

Although the aftermath looks like a murder scene I also pit cherries this way

This method also works really well with cherries!

Only if your pay went up.

So... they asked people how their water was? That’s hardly scientific or useful at the state level. That’s more if people are mad their local water utility charging them so much for watering their lawn

I genuinely could not tell you the last time I drank a beverage with actual sugar in it. I bet it’s been close to a decade.

Yepp. My number one weight loss tip is to stop drinking calories.

Yeah, I’m not sure the point of that statement by the WHO. Sure, in practice relying on switching to diet soda alone for weight loss will probably fail. But MOST diets fail, and it is an incontrovertible fact that regular soda contains digestible calories, and diet soda doesn’t.

Agreed, although it isn’t a catalyst for weight loss, substitution of diet over sugar will aid in an overall weight loss strategy for individuals who previously consumed the sugar/high fructose... variants.

the idea that substituting an ingredient that has zero calories for one that has more than zero calories will not lead to weight-less -everything else being equal is frankly unscientific

I appreciate the clear break down of this, as there are so many fear mongers that for decades have acted like Aspartame will kill you. I know at least half a dozen people’s who’s health, energy, and weight changed dramatically after switching from sugar soda to diet - myself being one of them. So even though WHO might

The bulk of those episodes are spent on the show’s central mystery, not on the debate around a mystery the way the courtroom-oriented episodes are.

This week’s SNW was excellent. And Drumhead is one of my favorite TNG episodes.

You are 100% correct.