It could have been worse. Remember that time Miss New Jersey ripped the crown off the head of Miss Rhode Island and then it exploded?
It could have been worse. Remember that time Miss New Jersey ripped the crown off the head of Miss Rhode Island and then it exploded?
Here’s a close shot of the card that Harvey misread:
And he acted in a film. That’s it. A film almost no one saw and the few that did hated. He’s not making Nazi propaganda films or anything. It’s insane to beat him up about it.
Sepp Blatter does indeed look exposed, Tim, but at least he’ll always have your whitewashed portrayal of him.
Excuse me, but isn’t acting for money what actors do? All the work available isn’t always ‘Citizen Kane’ material but it’s hard to say no to work. How many of us have worked at crappy jobs, with terrible bosses because we need the income to live.
Why is there a picture of Gérard Depardieu?
This is probably a real problem with the car-buying British public.
Something French. I vote Citroen SM or C6. I know the C6 was covered a bit here but learning about living with something like that would be great. But the SM is just.... hnnnng. Plus weird French cars, vintage ones at that, will have endless blog fodder.
How about instead of the typical E30 M3, its counterpoint: the Mercedes 190E 2.3-16? They cost far less, so you could do two cars again, and one in absolutely premo condition can easily be had under $20k. Trouble is finding one in premo condition, but you've got time.
As one of the vehicle modelers on MC:LA, thanks :)
You could say EA is in a Need For Speed.
You know what I miss? Midnight Club