Oh, he’s building to it. I guarantee, he’ll be all normal and “hey guys, that’s awesome!” but as soon as Richards pops up, he’ll be all...
Oh, he’s building to it. I guarantee, he’ll be all normal and “hey guys, that’s awesome!” but as soon as Richards pops up, he’ll be all...
The scene where luke turns himself over to vader in ROTJ is a great scene. It’s the first glimpse of vader having a glimmer of good underneath.
the true nightmare was hunting down those friggin beer bottles in the junkyard part of the stealth section. never again.
(this is actually why that image was chosen)
I disagree about using the photo to go back cheapening it. NOT using your time travel powers to at least TRY and save her would cheapen it (by it I mean the story) in my opinion.
Max’s gotta at least try and I still suspect that Warren maybe took that photo on purpose, to help us in his secretly knowledgeable kinda…
I wish that was my biggest regret.
I mean considering the power he’s working off, that’s pretty ok in my book.
“Glazer’s fitness is pretty inspiring”
Dude throws a nice ball in a totally isolated situation in a temperature controlled studio. Maybe he should sign on as a backup for Romo.
Guessing A-Rod had receivers with verticals better than 2.5 inches in high school.
Nice throw!