
You thought you were safe at night from the wild Mustang hunting for a unsuspected car to prey on? Think again.

This is true, but since it´s electric there is a chance it´s real. At this point it´s easier to trust everything else besides a fast and real car since it´s from Faraday Future.

It says, at 9 seconds in the video: acceleration test 0-60 mph. So yes, we would all assume the test was only a 0-60.

It’s because I live in a country without snow, so my snow knowledge is rusty (unlike 4wd cars in salt filled roads). The bald summer tires are good for straight line traction, like a Nascar.

This is rule number one in snow driving! It also helps defog the other drivers rear lights and window and your car doing 80+mpg. Like all our fathers used to tell us: Every car ad mpg is made behind a guy in the snow.

You’re wrong. It’s common knowledge that a 4wd car actually works much better on snow than in the dry. If you take a dry corner at around 40mph, in the snow you can take it at 123mph. And brake around 67% closer that what you want to avoid.

Joel tells Ellie that the fireflies had more immune people, and that they stopped looking for a cure and she gets extremely sad in the car, as in she get’s that crying face on, they even make sure to show her stroking her scar while sad. After some time Ellie talks to Joel, explains to him what happened to her and

Oh. That would explain it. It could would make the game a little predictable with the revenge for the wrong reason aspect, but still it would be a really cool thing to do.

Wasn’t Joel literally standing in the doorway on the trailer?
So far the only cause for revenge I can see from the first game would be against Joel himself, who...

Since it’s called Raptor how the difference between the base model and the Raptor compares against the differences in a big ass chicken and a velociraptor, mechanically speaking?

Come on, it’s not that bad. It has character! Some horribly ugly and somewhat poorly made, probably really shitty character, but character.

Here in Brazil everyone is confused about this. They said, at first, that he passed away, but then they started saying that he was alive, and now both accounts are being reported. But unfortunately the first is the more probable one.

This could be a mistake, but the Colombian Red Cross removed Danilo, the goalkeeper, from the list of dead and moved him to the rescued list:

A really good way to waste time in this battles is to have a antidote or a heal for a stat condition that you don´t have. Using them will use your move and still keep the heal. But only if your pokemon is fine and not affected by a status condition.

It appears to be somewhat hard. I got a lot of shiny pokemon on wondertrade and went searching and always ended up in “if it is too good to be true it´s fake” category. People also said that if i didn´t had a blue pentagon on the side of it it was fake, but all my pokemon transfered from White 2 to ORAS don´t have

The black and blue paint and the sound really makes it look like something new, specially in a kids movie. I want to say that the sound could be nothing, but they have a lot of cool little details in the other movies, so I´ll go with this theory too.

The only reason Yungoos is nicknamed Trump is because Gumshoos (it’s evolution) looks a lot like Trump in pokemon form. It’s just that since he’s a early pokemon, no one will bother to level him up to give out the real trump.

Because if you watch the show, the P1 is the only one they showed going sideways. And the only one they showed the driver having trouble.