The most important thing for a medic in a battlefield is a grenade launcher.
- No One, Never.
The most important thing for a medic in a battlefield is a grenade launcher.
- No One, Never.
Some of them are pretty bad medics too. Is always a weird combination of emotions when I see the medic distance meter lowering in Operations (a game mode where you have a limited number of spawns in one side). Is he going to revive me? Is he going to stay away from me? Is he just passing? Why is he running on top of…
It was just an example of why people (me included) thought it was a little unexpected to have a Redemption 2. It’s the first time, at least that I can remember, that Rockstar made a direct sequence from one of the games (possible, not confirmed).
They follow the GTA style of storytelling. It’s like having a GTA Vice City 2. It’s not something out of place, but it feels weird.
Well, the games have a lot of dead dad’s so Dead Dad seems better.
EDIT: I got it! Dead Dad Depression: Instead of a gunslinger seeking revenge you character loses his dad and just get’s really sad about it.
A little update on my own experience: If you already downloaded the game you can choose the play option in the store and it downloads only a 2.6gb update and the game is ready to be played.
Yes, they are really slow, but I already had the game downloaded, and choosing the play option instead of the free trial + on the store started a 2,6gb update instead of the 40+gb game download, so maybe is possible to play without downloading the game all over again.
This is the best news to receive on a national holiday!
Or even worse, they will make you blind with the “good” ol’ water flower trick and kick you in the balls from 10 to 15 feet away, because of the long shoes. They make you somewhat blind and take your pride away as human being that fell for this old trick.
Thanks! I played the second game, but got somewhat confused at the time about how to do the “secondary missions” on each chapter and gave up on doing them. With this in mind I’ll give 3 a go.
Is this game divided in open world chapters like the first two or is it like GTA without any interruption?
His attitude was horrible, but in a weird way I’m glad he existed. If he was a little more open to stuff I don’t think MS would have to try this hard to please customers. They could just be somewhere in a “we still don’t care, but stop being annoying”.
This is a pretty good livery. It pays homage to Ferrari history and Guy Fieri at the same time.
I was surprised that The Fast And The Furious had only 12 gearshifts. I was wondering if we all were too harsh on them. But boy 2fast 2furious proved me way wrong.
It depends on the person, but the lack of chandeliers and a“complete pet spa” makes it much more bearable.
So, it’s like that Pimp My Ride car, without the horrible taste. Nice.