The deal ended this year if I’m not mistaken. There will be Porsche. On a paid, off the Car Pass expansion, like they did on Forza 6. Gotta milk that german cow as much as possible.
The deal ended this year if I’m not mistaken. There will be Porsche. On a paid, off the Car Pass expansion, like they did on Forza 6. Gotta milk that german cow as much as possible.
My soccer team here in Brazil got paid R$500.000 from Konami, which is around $153.000, but that was for the team and the stadium.
That being said, EA offered them around R$50.000, and that is on pair with what they offered Iceland.
EDIT: I found the 16 games offers, and apparently they were: R$600.00 from Konami and R$…
I saw the video. They were ripped off by Blizzard. So it was a double coincidence or a double rip-off?
I saw after this all the characters. They really have some overlapping, but I’ll agree with you, they have some new stuff too. And having the ability number raised to 4 instead of 2 makes them a little more usable than some of the Overwatch characters. I still think that the amount of similarities is what makes me…
Yes, a soldier is a pretty open concept. But having the only character with running being this soldier is a little more on the point. And I will give you another example: The sniper character has mines and charging shot mechanics. On both games. Oh, and the scope only goes up in the gun when they aim. Which can also…
I liked almost everything.
Except the fact that you broke the unofficial Forza Horizon 3 name rule: Everyone should pick the name El Pollo Diablo
I think people are always so happy when dev’s delay a game “because it means they care” that it became almost an marketing trick by now.
EDIT: I mean, yes, there are a lot of insane people in the middle, but I mean people that don’t go on an insane rampage when a game is delayed.
Clearly the best name is: Britanny Michelle Willians Individual M760Li xDrive Model V12 Excellence THE NEXT 100 YEARS
I’m really expecting a Car Throttle. With James, Jeremy and Richard in it.
Yes. Because he was older than the other professors he was in danger so the wild Oak stays directly in the sun. This way his white hair can reflect the sun and distract the other wild professors. That’s the reason behind the darker coloration.
I was expecting some stretching from the video. But it fits with everything so perfectly. Specially the Youtube GTR and 20's Lambo. Man they’re all the same.
Yep, they are. It will be interesting to see how much the console market actually cares about a really high end console. But probably Microsoft doesn’t care that much about how well that thing will sell. It’s impossible to make that thing cheap. What I think that will be different from Sega is that this time the…
Well, it’s because this is the kind of thing that can get you hurt in a crash.
The problem is that this will make the Xbox One S much better for people that don’t care 100% about the games. It runs 4k Blu-ray and has the 4k capabilities on an PS4 Slim price (for the 500gb) or 50 bucks less for the 1tb price.
I think the problem is that when Microsoft announced something similar (even if weaker, it still has the same capabilities and comes in an 500gb less 299 bucks configuration) it was not considered their biggest console. So we all thought that maybe Sony would take the same path and make the PS4 Slim the 4k content…
I’m assuming the PS4 Pro only upscales the games to 4k , so the idea is:
PS4 Amateur aka Scrub
It’s a game where Mario runs itself and you just jump and maybe change directions. It’s basically Canabalt 2.0 with and Mario skin.
In case someone is wondering this happened in 2014 in Brazil. They had around 500 kilos of weed and no one died.