
Man I hope I don’t get penalized. Yesterday I got disconnect from the server 3 or 4 times during matches one after another. I believe it was something like unexpected failure to connect to server.

I’m used to play a lot of Hardline, and a little of 4. I was really happy with Overwatch. It’s not different from any of those. At least in feel. Even playing with Widowmaker if I miss a shot it’s a miss. If I want a critical it needs to be just right.

I loose much more to stupid teams than “correct” teams. A Healer is nothing against 3 bastions and two shield bearing knights protecting them on a point.

The first video is 4 months older than the second.

I think this was possible because EA now has 2 teams working on BF.If people don’t like this game, they still have an backup developer to go to.

It’s even worse when you know that City’s plan is to have Guardiola and after him an Manager with deep connections to the team, if I’m not mistaken they said something about Viera. I really can’t remember where i saw this, but if it’s true, it will be funny to watch.

Thanks, hopefully nintendo will find some better options for distribution next time.

You know what great play that I’m happy not to see here? 3 Bastions and 2 Torrent Midgets on Fire around a objective.

It worked! Again, thank you very much. If you don’t mind i’m going to call you The Mother Theresa of Kotaku Comments from now on when i see you around. Thanks one last time.

I lied, thanks.

Hey, thank you very much! I can try one of them, and if it doesn’t work it’s okay. I’m pretty sure there is somewhere to find people after it on the U.S that could use them. Maybe it will make some kid’s day.
I went to a toy store here yesterday and they had an Pokemon Anniversary promotion, but it was only a free card

If I’m not mistaken Guardiola was hired to build a “dynasty” with City. Basically he will be there to buy a lot of huge players, and turn them into a auto-pilot team. So that way whichever manager comes next the team will work.

I read a phrase used in this argument that, to me, represents this perfectly: It was not a failure, but it was a disappointment.

I hate this so much. It would be really nice to have at least a chance to grab a code. It’s the second pokemon that i can’t get because Brasil doesn’t have a place to give codes away.

I really want to like your comment, but the 44 streak is unbreakable.

I really don’t know how to feel. It was really sad. But on the other hand it was the funny kind of sad. Like the spike strips that should become a new meme or something. Or the just let me seat in the hood of the car while i make a phone call. And the best part, on my opinion: When the camera showed the cops on one

I came to say exactly this. I really want to play as a time pirate now.

There are too many replies here to read, but a tech youtuber posted a picture on instagram of what could be a model 3 under wraps.

I’m still excited for this, but Chris Evans REALLY looks like Austin Powers. Only older. And pukier, if that’s even a real word.

I was going to pay attention to the Ken costume, but then i saw The Macho Man Zangief Savage.

It took me forever to see this corner. Everything was going good, it all looked cool until i saw the tv. And people watching a completely broken image, with some static. After that i never came back to that corner.