
I saw some people completely tearing the enemies apart, so this is the point i’m aiming for, or at least close to it. Probably it will come fairly quick, the dark zone gives plenty currency, so it’s just a matter of buying the right blueprints. But before I do try the challenging ones I’ll look into the smart cover

I tried. As the kids say, i got rekt. I’m still doing some Dark Zone stuff and all the hard ones. Will get back to the Challenging ones after i get some better gear, because so far i’m dying in 4 or 5 shots and doing almost no damage to them.

For some weird reason i tried this. No one was there. After doing everything in the map it becomes a hole lot of nothing, except the daily missions.

Nice to see a place to do this in pve.

Another thing: If you always end up without ammo, bring a third type of weapon for use when your primary weapon runs out.

“I haven’t run into any bands of geared up super-killers in the DZ”

I did. I kinda hate you a little.

I went 3 times to the Dark Zone, in two of them i got destroyed, on the other, got absolutely nothing good. Gave up and started searching for named enemies on the normal map for coins.

I still can’t believe that this is what the arguably most advanced racing category can come to with to protect a driver. A piece of something that covers not a lot. How something like this would work in a situation like Massa’s spring to the face? It’s not even transparent. And it looks like a huge flip-flop.

Fifa gets so much money because it follows the best principle for it. People don’t pay money in Fifa exclusively to win, they pay because the could have a In Form player, which is a rare player, a better version than the normal player or the other hundreds of variations like Team Of The Year. But the thing is: He is

Really, as a good ol’ PES fan, if you guys think Konami is bad now, this is how PES is every year. Every single year PES arrives with out of date rosters. With players already in-game, just on the wrong teams. Specially in my home country teams (Brazil). Every PES release it’s “Let’s mock these 4 month old transfers

Great, now i have a impossible desire to have a Logo. This happens every single time i read one of your posts. And your work on the side skirt looked really well made.

This makes me feel really bad. Not for you Doug, but for that guy. Yes. That guy that heard about the warranty. And he though: “What do I look like? A newbie in the car business? I’m buying an Aston Martin, of course I don’t need this push over of a warranty. This serves only to dumb people that don’t understand cars

Please sir, can I have some ungreying ? I’ve subscribed to the youtube channel since i saw Torch driving his personas, that some people called cars.

To be honest i know this is probably just me, but i would really like to see you re-buying a previous car at some point, to see what happened to it and how do you feel about it after some time away from it. Of course not the CTS-V. Unless you buy it’s engine and put it in something else. Or just slide down the snow on

Ceni used to wears some pretty weird jerseys too, like these:

This is a question that i can’t answer. I was never too much into the Playstation ecosystem. I just know about some of them because I’ve bought them on the PS3 and re-downloaded them on the vita, like Chrono Trigger and Castlevania: SotN. Vice city is the first of them that actually is a PS2 version. And for the price

I expected, at least, a “cross-buy” like the ps3 and the vita, when you buy the game from one of them and can play on the other, if the game is available, but i went to see and i have to re-buy Vice City again. I will just keep playing on the ps3.

Rossi’s race was really awesome, too bad the pace from the first 3 was scary good. And it’s really funny to see Max with Lorenzo’s crew.

Marquez pushed Rossi, he got pissed and pushed Marquez with his knee.
Yes, everything was intentional. Marquez pushing Rossi AND Rossi kneeing Marquez.
The only problem is that Rossi’s comeback was too rough for racing. Hitting someone in a moving bike is pretty rough, and all the excuses he gave were really bad.

This is not the first time two guys rubbed each other, it happens all the time, some people usually ride really close to others. Thats when some of the things happen, some of the falls, in Moto GP and probably on Superbike as well.
But there is no way this one was a racing thing. Rossi complained last week, and let’s

I won my first game yesterday. It was fairly easy because our team had some good pilots, in the last chance to shoot the AT-ATs one of them was already with 14 health, wich we shot down really fast and i was able to destroy the other one with the speeder. But besides this one, i’ve never seen any AT-ATs with less than