
You're ignoring what I'm saying to bring up something entirely different than what I'm talking about. First off, your first comment brought up a boho ( your own words) dichotomy that I wasn't even talking about, only to come back now talking about worn out clothes. Completely different things. Even shopping at

It took me a hot minute between "Who's Lee Chae-rin?" And " CL? The baddest female?"

The dichotomy isn't turned out or boho. There is a neutral middle ground even for black girls, but there is a perceived value of going a bit extra with your presentation.

Is it weird that I'll never forget where I was when I saw that sketch? It involves a forced family road trip, an abandoned hotel lobby and a future Olympian borrowing my nail polish.

Can't you just save face by claiming to be anemic? I got turned away at a school blood drive for being anemic, as did a bunch of other girls and guys.

I think it's bullshit, but I'll still donate because that blood goes out to everybody. Think of it this way- gay men might not be able to give, but they certainly do receive that blood. I think this drive is a great way to promote their cause, showing how many gay people they could have donating but insist on turning

Mimi should not be wrist shamed. Those wrists have to be strong enough for a thousand butterflies to land on.

It was waaay too much fun to pick. I kind of want to go around colorblind casting history now.

My mom did my perm once as a kid. How she managed to burn my scalp with Just For Me is beyond me. She cornrowed it after that, and she wasn't even a pro.


All I want is an epic Nzingha biopic. It's not so much to ask- they can still put white people in it!

...was 'criminally underutilized' a pun?

She should wear her hair like this and only like this. That shape and hairline, and the loose curl is so flattering.

Aww man, Imma have to go crazy eyes on this one. I'll justify it to myself by saying it's for comedy, not drama and Uzo was funnier, but in my heart of hearts I just love Crazy Eyes.

Everything I've read historically portrays the bald head, wig, and kohl thing as a primarily Egyptian affectation, one that other groups even in the same area didn't take on, despite it's practicality. Because of that, it's reasonable that when Moses stopped being "Egyptian" he grew his hair and stopped dressing like

How was Steel Magnolias for you?

Touché. It was a nice touch to have the one guard taking notes.

I know! I was happy the fleshed out more of the characters and added some new ones, but Sophia didn't interact with the rest of the black girls and Vee, and was really only around to talk about vagina in one ep. I don't see why they had to shortchange her character so much this year.

It was eligible last year but didn't get any nominations for season 1.

Why does "we're" not certain? Always get to equal "white"? Instead of raising a stink about POC who would like to see some representation in THEIR stories, you need to turn your "we're not sure" "the science is inconclusive" "it was a long time ago" pussyfooting towards white culture that snatches up everything in