
I wish she was nominated last year instead of this year. This season gave her nothing to work with, so I feel like this is good will and she won't win.

Wait- DO they have nachos at Comic Con?

Cheddar Bay Biscuits.


Ok, after giving this a minute of thought, this is what I've decided on for an Idris lead six wives of Henry Tudor cast-

To be fair, male Egyptian royalty was 100% bald men in eyeliner. They had practical reasons for both, owing mostly to shaving to stave off heat and bugs, and Kohl lining to protect from sunlight and sand.

Meh. You give slavers a chance to give up their slaves, if they don't you kill their oldest kid. That's pretty much the civil war.

That doesn't mean white, ESPECIALLY in that era, especially in that location, and especially because POC means people of COLOR:

All I'm saying is that we need to start making white history movies with POC leads, to see how they like it. Idris Elba as Henry VIII! Selena Gomez as Marie Antoinette! Lucy Liu as Catherine the Great! Viola Davis as Elizabeth the 1st! Don Cheadle as George Washington!

Well they do, but all that stuff is a lot cheaper than people think. Growing up I knew tons of kids who had to be in the free lunch program, but always had fresh hair, nails done, and jewelry. But the jewelry was cheap stuff from the corner beauty supply, the weaves were not human hair and was done by a mom, an aunt,

Unfortunately diamonds are sold at a high mark up, and depreciate as soon as they're sold because they're only really worth as much as the prestige we put into them, with much less use than a car. Its a racket.

Why was their being Asian important to the story?

That makes my general dislike of this project worse.

What? IRL princesses were abused all the time by spouses, and were also abused by parents who saw them as political pawns and would sometimes care very little about their daughters' treatment as long as they were being good wives and providing heirs to cement treaties or secure favor. It's not some hidden history,

Hey now- never said it was good. It's just not as bad as the first set which looked more off model. These at least look more like the characters.

Disney got there first- it's the Mother Knows Best song from Tangled.

I don't know. It's pretty close to the original style of the animation, and it's WAY better than that first set of illustration.

It relies on the shock factor plus the internet's reimagined Disney princess boner to go viral, therefore spreading so-so art and the artist's name for free.

At least this one makes more sense from concept to execution than the last one. Copy that reflects the art work and (somewhat) justifies it's usage, artwork that is clear, and a better understanding of who the audience is. Saint Hoax is getting better, so she better bring her A game for horrible situation she decides