
Yes, Mike, I would think less of you if you mashed for a boner. . . . . . .

Much rather see this as a television series than a movie. Even only having three books there is still a lot of stuff to cover and you’d be hard pressed to get The Name of The Wind squeezed into a 2 hour movie without cutting it down considerably. Hell, you could probably get an entire first movie out of the parts of

Don’t be fooled. That cute owl will grow up to be nothing but talons, feathers, and hate.

Doesn’t look too bad. I might have to give it a try. The first couple of seasons of the cartoon back in the 90s were some of my favorite cartoons during that time.

I’d settle for a Gohan and Piccolo buddy comedy . . . . . .

They’ve already gotten over 120K from a Continue To Give campaign. I imagine through that and various other donations they will end up coming out of this making money on the whole ordeal.

No, they should be sent back to whichever third world hole in the ground they came here from and told to enter the correct way. Because while even if 99% are “good people” 100% are quite literally criminals from the time they set foot on American soil illegally.

My personal feelings about selfie sticks are that if you using one in public it should be perfectly legal for a random passerby to take said stick from you and proceed to beat you into unconciousness with it.

Mike, be honest, how many times in your life have you been mistaken for Brian Posehn?

For the record, I would gladly let the Kings tell me to fuck off for a quarter of that price. Hell, I bet they could argue me down to an eight of that price if they really tried . . . . .

And why would it be? I mean you go there expecting to buy a slave and end up with a crummy souvenier shirt that says “I went to The Old Slave Mart And All I Got Was This Lousy Shirt”. I mean maybe if they spruced it up a little and maybe took a page from Medieval Times and hire a few struggling actors to play “slaves”

Seven dollars to get in? Do they knock seven dollars off the price of your first slave or is that just a seven dollar cover charge?