I actually got my first internship because the girl they originally selected had a small tattoo above her eyebrow and the company had a strictly enforced no visible tattoo policy.
I actually got my first internship because the girl they originally selected had a small tattoo above her eyebrow and the company had a strictly enforced no visible tattoo policy.
So I take it if Gawker Media can find a lesser or, better yet, equally qualified black blogger to take your spot you will happily up and quit so that people of color can get newly opened opportunities? I think you should quit to usher in this new opportunity. I’ll be waiting for your resignation . . . . .
Kind of looks like Black Spy from Spy vs Spy.
Here’s the thing though. I live in Chicago, and even in Chicago there is little to no news coverage of the staggering number of blacks that are mowing down other blacks in this city. You know why? The same fucking reason the news doesn’t report about the sun disappearing from the sky every night. It’s commonplace and…
You think Obama is going to let the DOJ within 50 miles of his buddy Rahmbo “Dead fish” Emanuel? HA! Good one. . . . . .
Has anyone offered him any crack? I bet he remembers crack!
Because being called names it totally just as hurtful as being shot and blown up. Yeah, I can see how you’d come to that conclusion. Tell you what, I will let someone call me hurtful names and you let someone shoot you multiple times and hurl a few grenades at you. Assuming you are still alive at the end of it we will…
Upon hearing the Germans were staying overnight the French preemptively surrendered.
Christ, a group of Germans spending the night in a Paris stadium. I bet the French were wrapped around the damn building lined up so they could surrender by morning.
This weeks was pretty good too. PunishingBabies!!!
If you are going to do it at least do it right.. .. ..
Don’t forget to snag a four pack as well to get the Darth Vader poster.
Yeah, they didn’t resemble the normal noodles at all in taste or texture. On top of that it was really hard to cook them properly. They either turned to mush or they were stupid crunchy. Seemingly no middle ground to be had.
Yeah it’s a remnant from my college years as well. No time to do a whole load of dishes when you can just clean a wooden spoon and the mac and cheese pan and you were good to go.
Mike, buddy, this stuff is HORRIBLE. I adore regular Kraft Mac and Cheese. It’s a guilty pleasure. I will make a pan and just eat from the pan like some kind of animal foregoing a bowl all together. This stuff though was pretty gross. I think it’s the noodles. They had a really awkward texture on top of tasting like…
If you are coming to Gawker looking for high level thinking I believe you might be in the wrong place. And as I do hold the opinions of the community members here, such as yourself, in oh so high regard I feel I should tell you that your harsh words are hurtful and damaging to my fragile psyche.
If I may offer you a bit of friendly advice. I bet a big cold glass of bleach would do wonders for the pain caused by that massive stick you seem to have lodged up your ass.
Oh my! Aren’t you a rather thin skinned cunt. ROFL!
Mmmmm Bleach. Om nom nom nom nom.