duck-tective comics

There’s sort of a theme here.

Noah Hawley just doesn’t like people to be lonely no matter what the cost.

It was the second anniversary of my 23 year old sons death and I watched with constant tears. He was brilliant and schizophrenic, the very reason that drew me to this program last year. He believed in these theories, and even thought he could teleport. He was in and out of hospitals, on and off medications, had

And the sequence where the police are asking David for ID, and he opens up his jacket to point meekly at his name tag was hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time.

give everyone on this show a fuckin emmy but especially dan and aubrey WOW

HAN: You cannot charge a human and a Wookie for the same crime.

I guess Katherine Bigalow is too good for this stuff.

It’s not “inexplicable.” It may be inexcusable or intolerable, and I certainly feel that it’s unacceptable, but there is an explanation - Ike Perlmutter is a misogynist, sexist piece of trash, and Kevin Feige did not move nearly fast enough to clean up Perlmutter’s mess after wresting control of Marvel from him.

Just so long as it’s not Joss Whedon directing that female-led comic book movie.

All I want from the universe is Clancy Brown as a live action Lex Luthor. He 100% is Lex to me.

I will do shit for money. But I’m not gonna do shit for no money. I’ll do quality for no money.