
Let’s get this out of the way first. I’m not much of a bandwagon rider when it comes to things that are built simply to generate hype. I haven’t attended a Transformers movie premiere since high school and I don’t give an aerated turd about the next season of Game of Thrones because I’ve never seen it, nor do I care

Stock gearing on a 500 pound bike and that’s not impressive? Dude.... Do you know what kind of mods the bike in the pic has? He has a handbrake thrown on, wheelie bar and associated protection so it doesn’t break when it falls. The sprocket alone has over 100 teeth. Obviously you can do more when you have a sproket

Taking a lane when there are blind curbs is the safest thing, actually. It’ll likely piss you off, but the 30 seconds I impede your regular speed, I swear on my life that (me specifically) am looking for a safe shoulder or driveway to plod into to let you pass me.

There are tens of Youtube channels dedicated to crash videos on one road and you’re suggesting drivers aren’t being unreasonable?

You shouldn’t be riding so fast on the street that you *need* to hang off, although it can provide extra safety margin.

Deserved it.

Maybe they're part of an interactive new exhibit called "Primates: Same Old Shit, Different Millenium"

since when do we save spots?.... parkings first come first serve.. deal with it

Fascinated that Gawker found the Ghostbusters trailer to be amazing, while are indifferent to this one. This looks fantastic and I’m honestly more excited for this than I was for The Force Awakens.

I feel bad for him. Why would I not feel bad for someone getting screwed just because they’ve had some success in their life?

He’s talking about the gas motor...

I do feel bad for Chrysler. They just can’t seem to time the market right. Right now, what’s hot on the market? CUV’s, especially compact and subcompact CUV’s like the Kia Soul. Which are all CUV’s in name only, they are hatchbacks. So what does Chrysler offer right when subcompact CUV’s take off? A sedan.

I have to say as an NYC rider/commuter who rides within the law and with courtesy (who also puts up with a lot of shit and near misses from cars daily), the NYPD has been out in full force harassing ALL 2 wheel riders the past couple months.

What a bunch of retards, those are good bikes someone could use, and they could get money to donate to a charity out of them, instead they have to use tax payer dollars to crush them, and dispose of them.

And the message is that we are too stupid to sell them at auction to recoup the money that taxpayers spent on apprehending the criminals and impounding their machines. We will just throw that money down the drain to make a statement of questionable value.

Nope. Not when the S-Class doesn’t even start below $90k. And not when that $90k CT6 comes with the same basic V6 you get in an Equinox.

Welp. That was fun. I guess Cadillac doesn’t think there’s any value in offering a car in the S-Class, XJ, Quattroporte, 7-Series, and A/S8 class. Not like a big luxurious car would be a return to Cadillac’s former glory in the US and worldwide, or anything.

A) What did he do to piss car dude off?

“Koenigsegg owners aren’t willing to ship their multi-million dollar cars to Dubai despite the fact that I want this to happen and I would have fun, so this has to be a conspiracy!”