Funny, because I don’t make do. Haven’t had to make do at all. I drive ~25,000 miles a year in my car, and more than half of them are during winter. Haven’t had to make do at all.
Funny, because I don’t make do. Haven’t had to make do at all. I drive ~25,000 miles a year in my car, and more than half of them are during winter. Haven’t had to make do at all.
I have never even come close to needing AWD, besides when I was intentionally pushing the limits, like attempting to venture into old packed snow that was up the the headlights on my Xterra. FWD and snows is perfectly adequate.
I would test drive a regular cab if it was all they had. That would give me a close enough idea to let me know if I was even interested. If it passed the test drive, I would still need to physically check out a crew cab. If the regular cab was a shot box and I wanted a long box crew cab, I’d need to test drive it…
So, were you born to want the ST or the GTI?
If it is so in demand, I’m sure the current system of having 400 vehicles on the lot will be a profitable and successful business, and therefor have no issue competing with places (private and manufacturer) that wish to carry a more streamlined model.
Learn to drive then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There isn’t any reason that a “dealer” type couldn’t still exist. It could be an independent one, like dealers are now, or owned by the manufacturer. Their primary objective would be vehicle service/warranty work, but they could also carry a low inventory for test drives or people that want/need a car now.
It isn’t even out yet... how did you rent it?
Did you have snow tires? I’m guessing not. I survived in Buffalo with FWD for years, but it required snow tires.
I agree, it’s a great car. It just needs a better engine.
Why? The people that go on these hunts often pay a lot of money, which goes to support and protect these animals from poachers and further increase the population. Not always, but often the animal selected for the hunt is the old one that will most likely be left behind by the pride, or (far less common) one that…
You would rather that animals be raised in mass farms where they sometimes don’t even see light, are often abused and mistreated, and then slaughtered, rather than some wild animal that lives a decent life out in the wild like it should, then be (hopefully) humanely killed?
That’s better, but still not enough. The Outback has nearly 3" more ground clearance over it’s Legacy sibling.
My point is that if all cars become more expensive (used ones included), that means poor people have to buy even shittier cars. So imagine in 20 years, when a poor person has to buy a car, instead of being able to afford the The 2017 Civic DX, now it’s the 2017 Civic EX, or instead of the 2017 Civic EX, it’s the 2013…
I’m not to far from the border... if the Outback was a tad more svelte, I might seriously consider it.
All of that, plus it only gives you 0.6" of added ground clearance. HA! What a joke.
Not really. Generally expensive new cars are more expensive used than a cheap car is. Since all cars have now become more expensive, that means used cars are more expensive, and thus poor people have to settle for an even shittier car, that will most likely cost them even more in maintenance and upkeep.
How much more does a ’09 GTI sell for compared to a comparable ‘08 Rabbit?
Using your SSN to buy gas!?!? HA! Hahahahahahaha!
That also makes used cars more expensive. If the car new was $25,000 new, when it could have been $22,500 new if it weren’t for CAFE standards, that means it will also (generally) be more expensive used.