Princess Fluffy Hair

I always felt she was smarter than people want to give her credit for.

I always forget about her, then see her work and remember how fucking brilliant it is

When I was in 4th grade, my teacher had a rule that our desk cubby holes had to be neat and tidy, and a cruel method of enforcement. I’ll never forget the day I saw her coming towards me with rage in her eyes and watched her dump mine out into my lap in front of the whole class. I’d seen her do it to others, it was

God he was so frustratingly dumb but so, so pretty

Let me try to put this a little more clearly.

Considering just how many of our businesses, schools, and homes are damaged and destroyed, I don’t think this will be ignored. Contrary to your negative views, I’m in awe of how caring and useful and there my people are being. Corruption exists everywhere, that doesn’t negate the desperate need for help down here.

I did too. I’ve been devastated, watching friends lose everything, some whose kids didn’t even have shoes on when they had to escape. I don’t know when my kids will go back to school. She did a wonderful thing, even and especially in publicizing it this time.

as was I and I got a needed giggle from your comment ;)

I’m in one of the disaster areas. Our parish schools are closed indefinitely. We were spared but only just it seems :/

I honestly don’t know any because I’m not from here originally and slower at finding, but this is the main Facebook page that would be able to help https://m.facebook.com/groups/1528807…

I imagine it will be. Once the water recedes I hope to help. I truly appreciate it

Our house was spared. No one we love was hurt and that’s all that will truly matter in the long run. Things are replaceable, people aren’t. Thank you 💙

I mean, if you wanna stoop to that level of heartlessness, sure. My liberal heart breaks for my state.

As someone watching my town flood and friends lose everything, I’d like to say I don’t care if it’s for publicity. It’s a good deed for people who desperately need it right now.

All the “what did they expect” “no one should live there” “don’t rebuild” “abandon hope all ye who enter” type comments are sickening. There are so many reasons they’re wrong. Baton Rouge is not New Orleans and even if it were, the lack of compassion is astounding.


Strangulation can really fuck up your voice, too. So that’s quite possibly a contributing factor as well.

For me at least, that’s 100% true. I’m still shaking off the emotional effects, and not always winning. My last bruises faded a year and a half ago and while I have a few small physical issues still, they tend to pale in comparison to the mental trauma.

Your attitude is goddamn inspiring. The humor you throw into the horror. I hope those sharks come through for you!

I was in a somewhat similar situation, I understand why that complicates everything. I’d moved 9 hours away from my family, living in his uncle’s house in Louisiana. I felt trapped with the kids. I stayed until he finally beat me badly enough to call the cops. I don’t know what to say to help except that you have