
She was great, she needs her own Star Trek show.  There was another amazing cameo Ming-Na.

Wait, she’s the daughter of The Maverick© John McCain? I had no idea! I just thought she was famous for, well, uhhh...

Nah it was ugly and tacky AF.

It is not a cool, good, fun look. She is just wearing a giant ugly black tee with the ass cut out of it.When she has her hands raised, as in the included picture, she is about as square and boxy looking as SpoungeBob SquarePants.

Ugh, with so much talent why is she going the “stunt queen” route? 

Yeah, I really love Lizzo, but I can’t help but imagine how different the tone would’ve been if it had been Miley.

Plus, there’s zero chance Jezebel would take a charitable tone toward a woman doing this if she were smaller than Lizzo.

She should be able to trot around with her butt out at a family-friendly event; Americans could stand to be less prudish.

I think about this ALL the time when seeing women with short shorts sitting on subway seats. 

It’s not just the coaching.  It’s the broadcasters as well.  I’ve noticed a segregation of the women broadcasters.  The men get to broadcast the play action and it’s only men in the sports center during half time.  The women are relegated to the sideline and get a few minutes to update the viewers on injuries or

You could’ve just asked people in the breakroom - educated, reasonably informed multiracial group of millennial people on the left - why they didn’t support her for president. They didn’t - we didn’t. “Kamala is a cop” was widely understood to be shorthand referencing her prosecutorial record instead of just a low-info

nobody gives a shit about yang. he is such a non issue.

pete actually stands a reasonable chance of getting somewhere as much as he’s skated along in this whole mess.

I did. As soon as she announced the layoffs last month, I knew her campaign was a dead duck. She followed the classic failing business model of public relations in that regard.

Good. I know people talk about the right candidate, but in the wrong electoral cycle, but with her cop loving background she was never going to be the right candidate no matter the cycle. I want to see a black woman become president in my lifetime, which is precious few elections now, but I want it to be the right

did you forget senator warren is still around? i mean, it’s easy to forget because she just copies whatever bernie has to say.

grow up.

harris’s campaign was already torpedoing when she dumped alot of her staff. this is a “fuck you for making people come out here to fire them” letter.

her campaign was a mess. it’s not a lie.

So much for the most diverse field ever I guess especially since booker doesn’t look long for the world either. That being said if was said in that letter was true this is a problem she made for herself.

As I wrote elsewhere, somehow she’s become known as this A-list “action star” who supposedly can pull off both decent fight choreography and give emotional, nuanced performances, but she can’t and she doesn’t.

Yeah, I always thought she was basic as mayo but I guess she came along right when people wanted mayo and here we are dealing with a woman of similar-consistency intelligence and emotional maturity.

“When I come up for parole, they’re not going to hear me say that I have remorse.”