
We will find out on the next season of Law and Order SVU when this is one of their plot lines.

No dude, Im with you. The fact that they were plotting something like that at all is kinda odd behaviour and a bit evil. But then again, i have no clue what could actually be going through the mind of a 6 year old.

I don’t think at this age they understand how permanent death is. They probably think you go to heaven and ride unicorns and eat candy all day. Also: I’m never having kids.

Wedge sneakers are ugly, so ugly.

its funny because they literally get fined if they remove their jerseys on the field because breasts

Duh it was leaked, who has sex with their bra on and moves that little unless they are afraid of looking human for even a nanosecond.


Yes, from the show’s crystal clear storytelling, how could she have possibly made that mistake?

My niece is autistic and some of my sister’s homeschool friends swear it’s because she was vaccinated, but it’s okay, because if my sister just rubs her down with the correct essential oils it’ll clear right up!


Oh this breaks my heart. Why does there need to be a ‘reason’ or cause? Can’t they just love him and cherish him? Being autistic doesn’t make him less human :(

Andy Warhol forgot to tell us that when we buy our fifteen minutes of fame, other people have to die to pay for it. These doctors consumed by the overwhelming desire to be brand-name “personalities” — they make a drunken surgeon look like one of the gems of the human race.

God I fucking hope so.

Later on - those gypsies stole some of their wallets...

Trump fan: It’s clearly illogical to do this “guilt by association thing because we can play it all day long.

Actually, I think he’s completely woke. It is a double standard. No woman or man should be subject to catcalling.

Same here. I’m very white (although not as much as my blonde, blue eyed mother). But of course I’m also Latina and sometimes don’t know what to say. It’s like people can’t grasp you can be both at the same time. I particularly hate it when “darker” Latinos tell me I am not Latina enough. Really? You don’t tell me who

Exactly! Come on, people. It’s no so difficult to understand.

10/10 laughed out loud would read again