

I have to go with Lawrence because I like her and because she out-meaned the original Mean Girl. Wit is not Lohan’s strong suit when Tina Fey isn’t writing her lines.

Haha I just think they’re upset that she made this comparison because it wasn’t even necessary like while I do associate Lindsay with drugs I don’t associate Lindsay and being exhausted so it was kind of like why even bother saying that besides to try to be funny or something by making fun of someone who has obviously

I mean. Are they pretending Lindsay didn't have substance abuse issues?

Name-dropping Lohan is more effort than it’s worth at this point, even for a joke. Can’t say I’m sorry to see her relevance fading each year.

I’ve seen this before.

Yes to artist collabs that are real collabs and not just “here’s some stock design patterns for you to choose from,” like Rebel Wilson’s Torrid collection unfortunately was. I’m hoping for good things from Ditto.

To me this looks like a fat guy wearing a t-shirt with abs on it—not “celebrating” a bigger figure but poking fun at the distance between the body and the ideal.

“She was wearing 6-inch custom Louboutins. She was literally wobbling.

If you are going to fall into a Christmas tree...really commit to it.

Dolly is a national treasure.

I love her. I just feel like she’s on everyone’s team, that she genuinely wants all of us to win. She is such a good egg.

I’m more inclined to call “bullshit” just based on their own text :

What is the best course of action for human oil machines?

You can - that doesn’t mean everyone can.

It cannot be done! They are diametrically opposed! One removes grease and one adds grease! Why anyone thought they could possibly be combined is beyond me and also makes me feel the need to use a lot of exclamation points!!!

In the case of this Chaz (who seems to be a lovely person as far as I know), I will defend the name, because it was a way to take a man’s name but still stay close to the original “Chastity.” Exception to the rule!

I have searched the earth for a shampoo/conditioner combo that I can keep in my gym locker to cut down on the amount of stuff I have to keep in there. I’m still searching. I’ve never found one that doesn’t leave my hair a tangled mess of straw.

“Say what?”

Trust someone named Chaz and this is what happens.